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3D printing SW FATAM


Lifetime prediction of 3D printed metal parts

FATAM software for predicting the life of multiaxially stressed 3D printed metal parts. SW FATAM enables both the processing of data obtained from experimental tests and the loading of data from computational SW. Currently, connectivity is available on the FEM simulation SW Siemens SIMCENTER.

The test version of the program is available on request to e-mail with the name of the company and the name and surname of the applicant.

The FATAM software was created within the framework of the project FW01010462 Computational and experimental support for 3D printing of metal components using DMLS technology and exposed to multi-axial fatigue loading in operation by the joint efforts of TechSim, RTI of the University of West Bohemia and STU in Bratislava.

The computational SW FATAM is used to assess the fatigue strength and service life of multiple axially stressed machine parts based not only on the hypotheses of world authors, but also on our own developed models and experimental approaches in the field of material fatigue.

The FATAM program consists of 4 separate modules:

Module for processing and entering material parameters (direct entry of material parameters, processing of measurements in the form of fatigue curves).
Load definition module (defining the shape and type of the load path, defining the so-called calculation points).
A module for the definition of used hypotheses and calculation procedures for the estimation of fatigue life under multiaxial loading (multiaxial hypotheses, influence of the mean value, ...)
Module for processing and exporting results.

SW FATAM offers several possible hypotheses and calculation procedures, proposed by various world authors as well as our own hypotheses. For criteria based on acting local stresses, these are e.g. the authors:

  • Findley;
  • McDiarmid;
  • Matake;
  • Carpintieri-Spagnoly;
  • Margetin-Durka-Chmelko

and more.

And for criteria based on acting local deformations, they are, for example, the authors:

  • Fatemi-Society;
  • Brown-Miller;
  • Smith-Watson-Topper;

and more.

A detailed description of the program, including SW architecture, description of individual SW menus and used procedures for entering materials, loads and calculation hypotheses, both of foreign authors and of our own multiaxial fatigue criteria, is given in the SW FATAM User Manual, which is part of the installation files in the framework SW license.

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